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DIY Whiteboard

Growing up, I always wanted a room with floor to ceiling whiteboards to be able to draw and create on. And as I got older, some of my best study sessions involved writing and utilizing whiteboards. So, when I got into medical school, I knew I wanted whiteboards all over my apartment. But I quickly found out that large whiteboards are really expensive.

So I found an alternative and have absolutely loved the ability to have large whiteboard spaces for diagramming difficulty biochemistry pathways, keeping a running “to-do” list, outlining research projects, etc.

How I created my “Whiteboard” Study Room:

  1. Go to Home Depot or Lowe’s

  2. Go to the shower siding section and look for the panel boards. At my local store they were called “Thrifty White Panel Board.” A 4’x8’ panel was just $15.47.

  3. Home Depot will cut the boards to your height and width specifications free of charge. I had mine cut into 4'x4' pieces for easier transport and hanging.

  4. I used 3M Velcro strips to hang them on the wall of my office. I didn’t want to have to deal with any holes in the wall, so I went with the 3M strips and have had no problems with boards falling.

Disclaimer: These are definitely not the nicest whiteboards in world. And they don’t erase super easily. I have found the best way to remove the whiteboard marker ink is with the Dollar Tree "magic eraser" dupes. I don’t use any Windex or WhiteBoard Cleaner solution because I read that they can remove the surface coating.

Whiteboards are incredible study aids, planning tools and creativity boosters, especially when they practically cover a whole wall. So instead of spending more than $300 for a giant whiteboard, give this easy hack a try instead!



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