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the five.

"the five" round 2 -- a roundup/highlight of various things i found interesting this past week.


did you know that you can get salmonella from kissing a hedgehog? well, you can, and the CDC is asking us to stop snuggling.

other "pets" to avoid:

armadillos - these armored mammals carry the leprosy bacteria, Mycobacterium leprae.

prairie Dogs - can be a source of Y. pestis, aka the bubonic plague.


this week i had some great cardio entertainment in the form of:

1. Fyre - Netflix Documentary

for those, like me, who were not aware, Fyre was a highly publicized, influencer-supported, supposedly luxury music festival in the Bahamas in April 2017. in reality, it turned out to be a few hurricane relief tents and no live music. the documentary sheds light on the ethics of the rise of influencers and the power they wield.

2. Reputation Stadium Tour - Netflix Documentary

confession: definitely have watched this multiple times.

3. Wonder - Amazon Prime

**cue tears streaming down my face while on the elliptical**


PC: Pinterest


confession, I often watch inspiration videos and movie clips to pump me up during hard or trying times. this particular video has been a staple since my undergraduate days and i thought it was fitting giving the upcoming superbowl. enjoy, and get hype!

pop culture

the SAG awards were this sunday, so the silver carpet was rolled out and the stars showed up in some fabulous gowns.

my favorites:

i hope you had a wonderful week and that momentum continues into the new week. and if you didn't have the best week, here's to new beginnings and new chances.




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